
Paper und Publikationen:

  • H.G. Schmid (1990): "Quantitative Bildanalyse", Lexikon der Werkstofftechnik, VDI - Verlag Düsseldorf
  • M. Dvorak, H.G. Schmid, F. Fischer (2002): "Fast Quality Control of Spray Powders". In Proceedings of Int. Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC ) 2002, Essen (Germany)
  • H.G. Schmid (2003): "Fast Particle Quality Inspection by Means of Quantitative Image Analysis". EPMA Journal
  • H.G. Schmid, M. Dvorak, G. Buerki, M. Leparoux, S. Siegmann, C. Schreuders (2004): "New Dimensions of Nano-Particle Size- and Shape Characterisation. PARTEC Int. Congress for Particle Technology, 2004 Nürnberg 16-18 März 2004, p 26

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